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MACOMB County Asthma Statistics

  • 11.8% of adults 18 years of age and older reported currently having asthma. [2019-2021 Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Survey]

  • 9.2% of children less than 18 years of age reported currently having asthma. [2019-2021 Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Survey]

  • In MACOMB county there were 24 deaths from asthma between 2017 and 2019. The mortality rate of asthma is 8.2 per 1,000,000 people. The mortality rate for asthma in MACOMB county is lower than the state rate.1 [2017-2019 Mortality Files]

  • There are about 475 hospitalizations each year in MACOMB County for asthma. The rate of asthma hospitalization is 5.8 hospital stays per 10,000 people. 1 [2018-2020 Michigan Inpatient Data Base]

Table 1. Annual Average Numbers and Age-Adjusted Rates Per 10,000 of Asthma Hospitalizations
by Gender, Age and Race in MACOMB County and Michigan, 2018-20201
[Michigan Inpatient Data Base]

Group Average Number of
Hospitalizations per Year
in MACOMB County
Asthma Hospitalization Rate
per 10,000 People
Michigan Asthma
Hospitalization Rate
per 10,000 People
Male 181 4.7 4.6
Female 294 6.6 6.5
White 276 4.0 3.1
Black 181 15.5 17.5
0 to 17 164 9.1 9.1
18 and Older 311 4.5 4.3
All Ages 475 5.8 5.6
*Rates are age-adjusted to the 2000 US population. 2018-2020 yearly bridged-race population estimates provided by the National Vital Statistics System and maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were used in calculations. For records missing data on race, race was assigned based on the hospitalized population within that data year.

~Insufficient data to compute a stable rate (Total count of events 1-19 between 2018 and 2020).

If you have a specific data request, please send a message to GetAsthmaHelpInfo@gmail.com.

Learn more about Michigan’s Asthma Surveillance, Data and Reports.


Rates and percents are age-adjusted to the 2000 standard population.
Insufficient data to compute a stable rate (Total count of events 1-4).