School Asthma Data

United States Youth (Grade 9-12)

  • 21.8% of youth in the U.S have ever been told that they have asthma.

Michigan Children (Ages 0-17 years)

  • 1 in 8 Michigan students with asthma miss more than 6 days of school each year due to asthma
  • Only 38% of Michigan students with asthma have an Asthma Action Plan on file at school
  • 91% of asthma hospitalizations for Michigan students happen during the school year
  • 27% of Michigan students with asthma aged 10-17 say they are not allowed to carry their medication with them at school, despite Michigan’s inhaler law

Michigan Youth (Grade 9-12)

  • 10.6% of students reported currently having asthma.
  • Students who were overweight were more likely to report having asthma than underweight or normal weight students.
  • 11.9% of females and 9.1% of males reported currently having asthma.
  • The United States prevalence for youth who have ever been told they have asthma was 21.8%. Michigan’s prevalence was 24.2%, eleventh highest in the country.

Youth Risk Behavior Survey – 2017

This surveillance brief summarizes asthma-related data from the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. It includes national and state level lifetime asthma rates as well as data on certain health behaviors such as obesity, drug and alcohol use among those with current asthma.

Schools can do their part to control asthma by becoming more “asthma-friendly,” i.e., adopting policies and procedures, and coordinating student services to better serve students with asthma.