Asthma Social Media Messages

These messages are created monthly by the MDHHS Asthma Program to help you share accurate and timely information through your networks. Contact us at [email protected] for additional information about asthma social media messaging. Sign up to receive weekly-ish news emails.


Allergies  can trigger asthma Allergies can trigger #asthma. These tips from allergy experts can help make your spring allergies easier


The sooner you notice and treat your #asthma symptoms, the better. Learn more @

Is your kid with asthma going to camp?Is your kid with #asthma going to camp this summer? Get ready now by seeing the doctor for a current asthma action plan. Get more tips @


the sooner you notice and treat your asthma symptoms the betterAllergies can trigger asthma. These tips from allergy experts can help make this spring allergy season easier

The sooner you notice and treat your asthma symptoms, the better. Learn more @


It can  be hard to know if a small child's breathing trouble is asthma or something elseSometimes it’s hard to know if a small child’s breathing trouble is asthma or something else. Learn what symptoms to watch for and how asthma is diagnosed in young children @