Asthma Action Plans
A written asthma action plan detailing for the individual patient the daily management (medications and environmental control strategies) and how to recognize and handle worsening asthma is recommended for all patients.
It is particularly recommended for patients who have moderate or severe asthma, a history of severe exacerbations, or poorly controlled asthma. The written asthma action plan can be either symptom or peak-flow based; evidence shows similar benefits for each (EPR-3, p. 278).
Components and Distribution
A written asthma action plan, developed jointly by the health care provider and the patient, will help the patient manage his or her asthma. There are many different asthma action plan formats. Some examples are included on this site. It is important make an Asthma Action Plan that works well for you!
Electronic Asthma Action Plans
- Inspiring Health Advances in Lung Care (INHALE) SMART fillable asthma action plan (pediatric)
- Inspiring Health Advances in Lung Care (INHALE) SMART fillable asthma action plan (adult)
- Low literacy printable Asthma Action Plan as an online fillable form, from the Allergy & Asthma Network and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
- Allergy & Asthma Network SMART asthma action plan (pdf)
- 2020 National Institutes of Health asthma action plan
- University of Michigan Health System asthma action plans – in many languages.
- Regional Asthma Management & Prevention Asthma Action Plans – in English, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese
Print and Fill Forms
- AIM asthma action plan-0 to 4 – More Download Information
- AIM asthma action plan-5 to 18 – More Download Information
- AIM asthma action plan-adult – More Download Information
- Asthma Action Plan in Spanish
- Adult Asthma Action Plans in Chinese, Haitian Creole, Khmer, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese
- Simple Asthma Action Plan
- Simple Asthma Control Plan for Child
- Student Asthma Action/Management Plan
- Child Care Asthma Action/Management Plan
- Asthma Action Plan with red, yellow and green zones – for children
FLARE ED Discharge Instructions/Asthma Action Plan
Emergency Department Asthma Discharge Instructions (F.L.A.R.E. Plan)
A two-page tool based on NAEPP Guidelines for asthma management with a short-term asthma action plan for patients being discharged from the ED.
No matter what plan you use, all Asthma Action Plans should have the following components:
- Recommended doses and frequencies of daily medications
- How to adjust medicines at home in response to particular signs, symptoms, and peak flow measurements
- Listing of the patient’s Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) levels, including personal best PEF, and calculated PEF zones based on personal best. PEF monitoring is recommended for moderate to severe asthma only.
- Symptoms indicating the need for closer monitoring or acute care
- Emergency telephone numbers for the doctor, emergency department, rapid transportation, and family/friends for support
- A list of triggers that may cause an asthma attack. This can help inform others and the patient of what triggers to avoid.
A copy of a patient’s asthma action plan should be:
- Carried with the patient
- Kept in the patient’s medical chart
- Provided to the patient’s day care, school, or work site
- Provided to the patient’s coach/physical education teacher
- Provided to other contacts of the patient as needed.
Tips on getting the most out of your asthma check-ups
Adapted from “Guide to Improving Asthma Care in Oregon.” Oregon Health Division, Portland, OR, September 2001.