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Asthma Social Media Messages

create an asthma action plan These messages are created monthly by the MDHHS Asthma Program to help you share accurate and timely information through your networks. Contact Tisa Vorce at VorceT@michigan.gov for additional information about asthma social media messaging. Sign up to receive weekly-ish news emails.


If allergies trigger your #asthma, check the pollen forecast & do outside chores at low pollen times http://bit.ly/1zTAj9e do allergies trigger your asthma

Only 41% of Michigan children with #asthma have an asthma action plan on file at their school- does your child? https://bit.ly/3gpmoiV

Your kid with #asthma going to camp this summer? See the doctor now for a current asthma action plan, and get more tips @ https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/news/sending-kids-camp-with-asthma-allergies/


asthma and going to camp Do allergies trigger your asthma? Check the pollen forecast and do outside chores at lower pollen times http://bit.ly/1zTAj9e

If your kid with asthma is going to camp this summer, see the doctor now for a current asthma action plan, and get more tips @ https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/news/sending-kids-camp-with-asthma-allergies/


shake your inhaler Shake your inhaler at least 10 times before using. If you don’t, your puff may be full of propellant and low on medicine. More tips on using your inhaler at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbONuRXJdr0